Our first blog

This is a year of “first” for me. I just completed my first year as a Mason, this is my first web site creation (with help), and this is my first blog, all of which has been intellectually challenging and makes my hair hurt. Special thanks goes out to Leah Poole from the Liberty County Chamber of Commerce for her instructions and assistance.

About the web site. Most of the legitimate Masonic web sites I have visited begin with pictures or sketches of Masonic buildings, symbols, or emblems. One could spend endless hours surfing the internet and admiring some of the buildings associated with our fraternity. This is no wonder when you consider the importance and significance that architecture, geometry, and beauty have in our world. As much as I admire these structures and have a tremendous respect for the men who constructed them and continue to maintain them, I wanted a different reflection. I wanted to portray a reflection of beauty, harmony, and peace that is characterized in our lodge meetings and the way I believe every dedicated Mason wants to feel about himself and life. Therefore, for our web site I selected scenic pictures of our area that shows our world outside of our lodge but reflects our attitudes in the lodge.

This web site is not perfect, which is what you get from an amateur. The success of the site is dependent upon your suggestions and input for improvement. We want more pictures, comments, your opinions (preferably expressed in a blog), links to masonic news items or reference material, or anything of interest that will attract visitors to our site. Pictures do not have to be strictly masonic related. For example, if some of the brothers get together for a fishing trip, we would like to have photos with suggested captions. Humor is always appreciated. You may also express your view of masonic life or write about something special you learned. We would really appreciate your view of what masonic life means to you or how it has affected you. We would really appreciate any older pictures of our members.

Rest assured that this website will be carefully monitored and controlled. Material deemed as inappropriate will not be posted on this site. If you want to have something posted to the website, give or email it to the Secretary. His email address is on the “Contact Us” page. We hope you enjoy the site and look forward to your input.